Veterinary Services
Pet Laboratory Services in Forest Hills, NY
Laboratory tests are an important aid in making a diagnosis in cases where a good history and a thorough physical exam don’t yield enough information to diagnose what is ailing your pet. Our new state of the art on-site laboratory allows us to perform diagnostic tests within minutes while you wait for results. We also have access to Board Certified Consultants to help us research the best course of treatment for your best friend!
A full-service internal laboratory at Austin Veterinary Care enables us to perform many of our procedures on-site. As a result, we can receive test results in minutes or hours as opposed to days. The examinations include routine screening tests for feline leukaemia and FIV in addition to Lyme disease, heartworm, and other tick-borne illnesses.
In addition to basic screening, we may perform a variety of diagnostic procedures and get reliable findings quickly. These tests consist of in-house chemistry, urine, haematological, and cytology.